P22: 1.738 labelled SMS colours in Adobe RGB format (P22, P22e, P22x).


P22: 1.738 labelled SMS colours (v4), Standard, ECO or MAX edition in Adobe RGB 1998 format, suited for Print Design.

Set your workspace up with Adobe RGB and the CMYK profile as requested by your Printer.

When you are ready to use the SMS colours, open your SMS Adobe RGB file seperately. Copy the SMS colours you want to use and paste them into your workspace. We highly recommend keeping the labelled SMS colour patches in the workspace to ensure that you and all users of the file know exactly which SMS colours are being used / should be watched.
This is the same approach we recommend for web design so please refer to www.spotmatchingsystem.com/gettingstarted to get started using SMS colours for print design, what is allowed and what is not. Just make sure they are outside the crop marks.

As an owner of the P22 colour patches, you are free to use the colours as you please. If you however intend to market a brand using SMS colours included within the SMS colour palette you may either order your chosen SMS colours that you plan to use (sRGB format for web, REC. 709 or REC. 2020 format for HDTV/Cinema, CMYK versions for CMYK printing) from Spot-Nordic using your customer ID, issued on first purchase from Spot-Nordic – or, if you are advanced in colour management, convert your Adobe RGB colours yourself to the CMYK colour gamut you intend to use. See instructions on how to convert your colours to the final CMYK gamut here.

For jobs where maximum colour consistency from one media to the other is not required / the plan is not to market the SMS colours formally as a part of a visual brand identity, feel free to do your own conversions and use the SMS colour palettes as you please.

For optimum colour precision in printing, you may also want to consider setting up a separate colourbar with your ordered/official SMS colours – see instructions here.

Note: SMS MAX colours are only suited for printing on coated substrates – to Fogra 39 and Fogra 51 for instance – as well as for web and Television.

Please familiarize yourself with the differences between the standard version, ECO and MAX before ordering.

Included in the price is a 12 month license to use the SMS colours of your colour palette for 1 brand/1 company or institution as a registered SMS user, which also gives you access to order SMS services from Spot-Nordic. To maintain your license after 12 months, you or your customer must either subscribe to SMSĀ  (see www.spotmatchingsystem.com/services) or renew your license of your P22 colour palette.

The price of renewal is EUR 90.

This will extend the license to officially use SMS colours for a brand or a company and license to order services from Spot-Nordic by 12 months.

Please send a receipt of your payment along with any job specific information to sms@spot-nordic.com to ensure uninterrupted service.

Optionally you may send your order or enquiry to sms@spot-nordic.com if you don’t like shopping online or if you are not sure what you need to order.

Once your order has been processed we will contact you by email and get to work on your order.


[contact-form to=”ingikarlsson@gmail.com” subject=”P10: Custom SMS colours or SMS logo”][contact-field label=”SMS standard requested: Standard edition, ECO edition or MAX edition” type=”select” required=”1″ options=”Standard Edition,ECO edition,MAX edition (printing on coated substrates only)”][contact-field label=”Additional information (optional)” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”Please send the product to (email address):” type=”email” required=”1″][/contact-form]


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